Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Dream's Interesting Ideas

I consider myself to be a very deep thinker, and it's dreams like the one I had last night that show just how far that goes...  In the midst of my dream, I encountered a midget who was angry at me for some reason.  And in an effort to distract him, I asked if I could respectfully ask a question: "Do midgets have less pints of blood in their body than non-midgets?"

He got angry that I'd ask such a question, but then he realized he had never considered such an idea.  I then added, "I've often wondered the same thing for people who lose a leg or something - does their body naturally start producing less pints of blood for the rest of their life?"

It was a pretty silly dream, but you have to admit...  That's a pretty darn good question for being asleep.  Any answers or suggestions? 


  1. no idea what I could suggest, what a strange dream

  2. maybe if it happens again you can have a lucid dream

  3. I'm not sure if their blood volume is as grossly disproportionate as it might seem. But this is definitely a pretty deep question for dream, I'll give you that!

  4. Interesting question. I think the body produces enough blood for all the cells in the body. fewer cells? less blood.

  5. good ideas, nice post

    + follower:)

  6. Thats a pretty cool question for being asleep dude, never thought of it that way, a Grown man holds 5 Liters of Blood more or less but if he looses an arm or a leg would that diminish to 4.6? dont really know the answer

  7. They have to have less blood if their body mass is way lower. I guess if they were fat they could have the normal amount.
