Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Red Wine Makes Your Pee Clear

Now before you run away from my page due to the sight of the word "pee," please read a little more.  My favorite alcoholic drink is most definitely red wine . I started out trying to like the taste because of its alleged health benefits, and then I eventually found ones that I enjoyed.  In many articles, I have read that in history when water was not available, red wine was used as a substitute, and someone had officially declared red wine as a safe water substitute.  In extreme cases, red wine was actually used to sanitize bad water.  Of course, too much of anything (especially alcohol) is a bad thing ("all in moderation"). 

I notice that EVERY single time I drink just red wine (no other alcoholic beverages), my urine will pass as clear.  However, when I drink white wine or most other alcoholic beverages, it is yellow.  I find it fascinating that the body filters out the VERY highly staining red color.  I've heard a few other friends concur with this.  This can't be too harsh on the kidneys and bladder, it would seem.  Anyone else notice this?

See here how red wine has been used to sanitize water both  throughout history and in modern times, as well as to sterilize bandages and dress wounds that prevented infection before modern medicine -

And here how water is an acceptable water substitute -


  1. All liquid will make you pee clear. my pee is never clearer than after a long night of drinking beer!

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  2. I didn't know that, maybe I'll drink more from now on

  3. I had never noticed!!
    i love wine too, and I try to have a glass everyday

    ima look clearer into my pee


  4. I must differ that not all liquid makes your pee clear. If I drank 1 gallon of milk over a 2 hour period...and managed to not vomit, I doubt my urine would be as clear as had that gallon been water.

  5. I find red wine is least likely to give me a hangover.

  6. Agreed!! I was going to include that in the post today, but I didn't want to set people up for failure. I find that I have a good relaxed feeling in the morning after drinking red wine. Red wine gives you a higher quality buzz. That's the best way I can describe it.

  7. haha could this count as a bar trick?

  8. huh, I never knew that.

  9. I suppose it could count as a bar trick. You see those shows of people turning a dark red liquid into a crystal clear liquid... Same thing here, ha.

  10. I'm from Croatia and there is this drink called "bambus" that is very popular amongst our young people. Basically, it's red wine mixed with cola. At a party, the other night, I had only those, all night long. My pee was clear. :D

  11. I always just drank a few litres of water to make piss clear, interesting post!
    Following and supporting :)

  12. Hahahaha thats really cool, I'm gonna try that.

  13. I'm not saying your wrong, and wine has been shown to be healthy, but it's conceivable that it's actually bad for your kidneys because it has to filter the redness out. (realistically though, it's probably just some chemical thing that is harmless)

  14. hmm maybe il drank sum red

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  15. Can someone verify if this is real?

  16. Nice post! I didnt even know that! :P


  17. Quality red wine is the best. I like the more sweet ones. However liquids make it clear. And salt usually has effect on its color.

  18. From my experience all the alcoholic beverage results in clear urine. I wouldn't count this as something special.

  19. Red wine makes it clear!?!?? WTF HAX?!?!

    Supporting as always.

  20. Pretty sure the coloring gets processed by your U.I. tract, then again, what do I know? Maybe you just like red wine more and drink more resulting in clear pee?

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